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The Armenian Church - History, Structure, and Organization

In this article, we'll explore the history, structure, and organization of the Armenian Church. You'll learn about the Patriarchate, the Council of Bishops, and the Monastic Brotherhood. But you shouldn't stop there. You can learn more about the Armenian Church by exploring these websites. To make your search easier, you can also learn about some of the institutions within the Armenian Church. In this way, you'll be able to get the most information about their history and beliefs.

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Apostolic See

There are four patriarchates and catholicoses in the Armenian Apostolic Church. Two of them are located in Ejmiadzin and one in Constantinople. The catholicos of Ejmiadzin are considered to be the head of the Armenian church, although the relationship between the two has been strained by political tensions. Although the Armenian Apostolic Church is an Eastern Catholic church in communion with the Holy See in Rome, its catholicos live in Armenia.

According to the Armenian Orthodox Church, St. Peter the Patriarch is the second Patriarch. His successor is St. Bartholomew. Both were martyred under the persecution of the Roman Empire. St. Vartan was the third Armenian Patriarch. The Armenian Church celebrates Easter on March 24. Its liturgical calendar is based on the Julian calendar. Although the Armenian Church recognizes both Orthodox and Catholic churches, there are many differences among them.

The Armenian Apostolic Church rejects the formula of the Council of Chalcedon that asserted that Jesus Christ possessed two natures - one divine and one human. It adheres to the Christological formula of St. Cyril of Alexandria, which declared the incarnate nature of Christ as one. Both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches considered the Armenian Apostolic Church a monophysite. Their theology argues that Christ has only one divine nature, and he is not two.

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During Lent, the Armenian Church commemorates the Coming of Christ into the Temple, which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus. In other words, the fast is a time of penance and reconciliation. Easter is the culmination of this period of fasting. The Armenian Church holds themed Sundays during Lent as a way of communicating the message of the Christian life and preparing penitents for communion with Jesus Christ.

The Armenian Church's hierarchy includes three historic hierarchical sees: the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Catholicosate of All Armenians, and the Papal States. These three historical hierarchical sees each have a specific jurisdiction over their Dioceses. The Catholicosate of Armenia is the spiritual authority, while each historic hierarchical see oversees its Diocese.


After Yesayi Karabedian's death in 301 A.D., the Patriarchate of Armenian Church in Jerusalem fell vacant, and the young Patriarch of Echmiadzin quickly took advantage of the vacancy. He resigned from the Patriarchate of Istanbul to assume the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Eventually, the Sublime Porte relented and agreed to let him assume the role of patriarch.

The Armenian Apostolic Church is the national church of the Armenian people. The church is considered Oriental Orthodoxy. Armenia is one of the first states to embrace Christianity as its official religion. The history of Christianity in Armenia includes missions from the Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus of Edessa. St. Gregory the Illuminator is considered the first official primate of the church.

During the USSR, Christianity was banned and atheism was imposed on all nations. The Armenian Church closed all of its churches and began using them for agricultural purposes and as storage bases. After the separation, only one church was still operating in the Shirak region and it was kept in decent condition. Until the 19th century, Armenians had been excluded from the church, and the Catholicosate of Armenia did not recognize them.

Today, women may serve as altar girls, lay readers, choir members, organists, and parish councils. They can also be active in the parish, as they are often called Yeretzgin. Some priests are married and their wives are active in their parish. Divorce is permitted only in very specific circumstances. So, you're not allowed to divorce the church if you are not happy with your spouse.

Earlier, the Catholicate of Cilicia had a Patriarch. The Patriarchate of Constantinople, based in Istanbul, oversaw the Armenian population living in Turkey. It also maintained a large religious inventory of churches of various conditions. Similarly, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem oversaw the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem and a large real estate holding in Jordan. The Patriarchates of Cilicia and Jerusalem, and the Armenian Church, now known as the Catholicosate of Armenian Church, ruled the Armenian people for many centuries.

Council of Bishops

The Council of Bishops for Armenian Church is a hierarchical body of the church, presided over by the Catholicos of All Armenians. It is responsible for making suggestions on agenda items for the National Ecclesiastical Assembly. The supreme spiritual council of the Armenian Church is comprised of a group of prelates appointed by the Catholicos of All Armenians. The ecumenical designation of the church is derived from its Greek origin, meaning "from the whole world".

The Catholicos is the Supreme Head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and is elected by the National Ecclesiastical Assembly, which is made up of clergy and lay representatives. He oversees the decision-making process in dogmatic matters and is vested with powers of anointing kings of Cilician Armenia in the Middle Ages. The Catholicos also presides over the Holy Muron and the Catholicosate of All Armenians.

In the past, the Church has experienced several jurisdictional schisms. The longest of these began in 1113, when schismatic catholicos David was installed on the island of Althamar in the province of Van. David had previously tried to exercise jurisdiction over the greater Armenian Church in the northeast, but Gregory refused to cede the island to him. The last incumbent of Althamar died in 1895, leaving no successor to carry on the schismatic church.

While the Armenian Catholicosate is the spiritual authority, the Armenian Church is also governed by historic hierarchical sees. Each historic hierarchical see has jurisdiction over the Dioceses. The Holy Etchmiadzin is the Mother See of Armenian Christians. The Patriarchate is divided into six divisions, with the Mother See overseeing the Dioceses. It also oversees the Monastic Brotherhood.

The Armenian Church has an important role in the national life of the Armenian people. It must impart its significance to new generations of faithful and give them a sense of the Church's role in society. The Council of Bishops for Armenian Church SEO

Monastic Brotherhood

In the Armenian Church, celibate clergy make up the monastic brotherhood, which is led by an abbot. There are three brotherhoods, each one comprised of a priest and two laity, and each celibate priest becomes a member of one of the groups. Each brotherhood makes decisions about the monastery's inner workings, and elects two delegates to the National Ecclesiastical Assembly.

The Armenian Apostolic Church is the oldest Christian denomination in the world and is led by a Patriarch, or Catholicos. The Catholicos is the pontiff of nearly nine million Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Christians. The Catholicos, or Universal Leader of the Church, is elected by the College of Bishops and is regarded as the "First Among Equals."

During the medieval period, Armenians made significant donations to monastic institutions, which was why they were able to practice the Divine Liturgy for the souls of the dead. In fact, inscriptions on monastic walls testify to this practice. This practice dates back centuries, and is reflected in the Armenian Church's rites. It was the Catholicos of Armenia's first catholicosate, and the Monastic Brotherhood of Armenian Church was a prominent member of it.

The Armenians call the first day of the week "the Lord's Day." The Armenian word for Sunday is Geeragee, which comes from the Greek kyriake, which means 'the day of the Lord'. Revelation 1:10 mentions the Lord's Day. Despite its sanctity, the Armenian Apostolic Church still has large communities outside of Armenia. It has branches in countries with a large Muslim community, including Lebanon and France.

The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin is the spiritual and administrative center of the Armenian Apostolic Church worldwide. The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin houses the Catholicos of All Armenia and various religious and cultural institutions. There are 60 members of the Brotherhood of St. James throughout the world. This monastic order serves as the official representative of the Armenian Apostolic Church.