Board of Education SEO

Board of Education Link Building

Boost Your Board of Education SEO With Blogs

The Board of Education of Chicago re-imagined what search engine optimization means for higher-education institutions by implementing Carnegie's eight-year model. The program included individualized advising, international experience, leadership development, internship preparation, and career preparation. Its goal was to increase college success for under-resourced students and equip them with the skills necessary to compete in the global marketplace. While Carnegie has always been regarded as an innovator, he is far from the first person to redefine what SEO means in the higher education space.

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If you're concerned about your school's search engine rankings, one of the best strategies is to use blogs to promote your school. Blogs can boost your school's rankings if they're written with relevant keywords, and they can help increase your readership. For maximum benefits, you should integrate keywords and pay close attention to the technical aspects of a blog. You can also increase your audience by strategically choosing your blog topics.

A good blog can drive a lot of traffic without taking up a large chunk of your website's architecture. According to a Neil Patel study, a school's blog drives a high percentage of its website's traffic. As the blog grows in popularity, it becomes more prominent in prospects' searches. The amount of SEO work that goes into optimizing a blog is minimal, but the potential for traffic is huge.

Blogs are also a good way to increase the visibility of your website. In a highly competitive business environment, promoting services and products isn't an easy task. A blog allows you to showcase your company's multimedia content. The multimedia content is beneficial for your audience and your website, and the quality of your posts can make a big difference in the way your school ranks. When it comes to SEO, it's important to create an engaging blog and post relevant content regularly.

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While there are many ways to optimize a blog, one of the best techniques is to create long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are composed of elements related to your school, such as the course names, program names, delivery formats, and faculty members. Remember not to ditch short keywords, as most schools already do. Using a combination of long-tail keywords will give your blog a diversified SEO strategy. Not only will this help your blog reach prospective students more effectively, but it will increase visibility for highly specific keywords.

Using keywords correctly is crucial for your SEO strategy. Choosing the right keywords will help you rank well in search engines, and a strategy for selecting the best keywords will help you boost your traffic and build a loyal audience. Remember that SEO is a cutthroat field and a mistake on the first page of the SERP is often disastrous. A successful keyword strategy will help you understand what your audience is looking for and how to optimize your content.

Higher education institutions should also incorporate blogs into their SEO strategy. Many of them have a pool of content advocates, which can help you create a powerful blog presence and generate organic traffic. A CMS that includes a blog function is an excellent choice to start a blog. However, it's important to understand that the quality of your blog posts will be dependent on the topics you choose to blog about. Therefore, if you're serious about increasing your school's organic search results, blogging can be an excellent option.

Unbranded terms

Searchers often search for higher education institutions and programs using general search terms. Ranking for nonbranded terms is the first step to introducing them to the school, but that shouldn't be the end of the process. Follow it up with rich on-page content and clear calls to action. You can do this through long-tail phrases, too. There is a fine line between branded and nonbranded terms, and the right balance will depend on the educational institution's specific goals.

Carnegie's SEO strategies redefine what SEO means in the higher-education space

The latest research from Google shows that search volume for higher-education websites has jumped 10% year over year, the largest increase since early 2017. The majority of this growth came from general phrases like "bachelor's degree" and "certificate." However, this growth was accompanied by a significant growth in searches for program and degree name terms. Overall, the higher-education space has experienced a significant increase in search volumes for generic queries, with mobile searches outpacing desktop search volumes by 15%.