Credit Counseling Service SEO

Credit Counseling Service Link Building

How SEO Can Help Your Credit Counseling Service

If your company provides credit counseling services, you should consider search engine optimization (SEO). Most Internet users use search engines to find what they need. They tend to only visit sites that appear on the first page of search results. By optimizing your website, you can increase the chances of getting your site on the first page, and get more traffic. Here are some tips to get started:

Credit Counseling Service Guest Posting


When choosing a credit counseling service, find one that provides in-person services. Many of the best credit counseling agencies are non-profit organizations, and they offer free in-person counseling, online service, and telephone consultations. However, it's important to note that the non-profit designation doesn't necessarily mean that the services are free. Some credit counseling agencies do charge for their services. Before committing to a particular credit counseling service, find out how far it is from your home.

You should also consider the legality of the credit counseling service. While it's impossible to legally lie about their services, you can ask them questions that will differentiate one from another. This will allow you to compare the services of each. While you cannot legally lie about what you're looking for, it's important to choose a credit counseling service that has a good reputation. Regardless of the legality of their services, you can't afford to ignore your debt.

Legal action against credit counseling agencies

Although credit counseling is a relatively new industry, it has seen rapid growth since the passage of the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA). To circumvent the CROA and state regulation, many of these companies have opted to organize as non-profits. These tax-exempt statuses provide additional protection from scrutiny by state regulators. Fortunately for consumers, this gives them additional protection from unsavory practices. However, if you suspect that your credit counselor is ripping you off, here are some tips to help you fight back.

A good starting point is an investigation of the industry by the IRS. The IRS has begun an audit of over 50 CCAs and is investigating several other organizations as well. In addition to investigating these organizations, the Federal Trade Commission has taken legal action against the AmeriDebt organization and the Ballenger Group. These actions are designed to protect American consumers. Other organizations are primarily operating on the internet and offering debt management and credit counseling services. During the investigation, the staff of the committee responded to advertisements and advice given by various agencies.

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The non-profit model of credit counseling has led to numerous complaints about the practices of some of these agencies. While the original purpose of the industry was to provide free or low-cost financial education to consumers, some new entrants have begun to abuse this model by charging inflated fees and putting every consumer on a debt management plan even if they cannot afford it. In many cases, the companies have also failed to provide adequate counseling and education to their clients and have little value for consumers.

A large CCA, Cambridge Credit Counseling, has been the subject of lawsuits by the Massachusetts Attorney General and the North Carolina Attorney General. In one suit, former client Raymond Schuck filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging that the agency knowingly misled him by recommending debt management plans for him. It was found that the CCA failed to meet the 30% assist rate requirement in two of its lawsuits. It was later determined that the practice violated the DMP rules and the federal trade commission.


A common mistake many people make is to avoid credit counseling services. Most counselors are nonprofit organizations that offer debt management and free or low-cost counseling. These agencies will help you create a debt management plan and select a loan consolidation option if you qualify. They will also suggest other solutions to debt management. These services first emerged in the 1950s in response to a lack of consumer awareness. The Department of Justice maintains a list of trusted CCCS.

Those who are financially vulnerable are easy targets for scammers. By seeking credit counseling, people put themselves on scammers' radar. The scammers often demand upfront payments before doing any work, ask for payment in advance, and actively misinform consumers. Walsh suggests using the old adage "you get what you pay for."