Greenhouse SEO

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Greenhouse SEO - How to Optimize Your Job Opening Page For Greenhouse SEO

Greenhouse SEO is a company that offers web optimization services. They are headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company's website states that the service includes the following: Metatag optimization, Job opening page, Scheduling, Reporting, and Email marketing. There is no contact information for the company's owner, but they do have an email address, LinkedIn profile, and a phone number for the company's HQ. Their website says that they were founded by Loes Ketelaars and have been in the business for a few months.

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Job opening page

A well-designed SEO job opening page can attract the attention of job seekers. In an industry where online revenue and sales leads are the main objectives, it is a worthwhile goal to attract these job seekers to your page. Nevertheless, you need to know that your company is only as good as the people who work for it. That's why it's vital to put your job posting on reputable and relevant websites. Listed below are some tips that will help you create a high-ranking SEO job opening page.

Use social media to get noticed. Social media like LinkedIn can attract a large audience and increase your website's search engine rankings. The more people who share your job posting, the higher its ranking and SEO. It's also important to include a short URL, which increases its chance of being indexed. And remember to create a catchy meta title and description. Use these methods to attract qualified job seekers. You'll be glad you did.

The functionality of a Greenhouse career site is quite comprehensive. The software enables you to post jobs on your career website, collect candidate feedback, export candidate reports, and track candidates throughout the interview process. It also has several integrations that streamline certain processes. Integrations with Codility, Linkedin Recruiter, and diversity sourcing are just a few of the ways to improve the performance of your job opening page. This software also includes a robust job board manager.

Metatag optimization

If you're looking to improve the ranking and authority of your website, Metatag optimization for greenhouse SEO is an important step for your marketing strategy. Header tags help search engines determine what your content is all about. Including these tags can boost your website's user experience and display of business information, which are both important for search engine optimization and ranking. Using header tags can become a habit. Make sure you make your website mobile-friendly for the best results.

In addition to the title tag, meta description and URL, you need to optimize these two elements. While they make up most of the entry, it is not the entire page. Without these, you'd only have your website's URL as the result of a search. More advanced digital marketing requires the use of more tags to boost page rank and improve user experience. Including more tags will help you control your entire digital presence. For example, Google prioritizes certain tags, including those that provide context.

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A metatag is a line of code that is embedded in the content of a web page. These tags help search engines learn more about a web page's content, which ultimately affects the SERP. You can use metatags to boost your website's ranking by providing the search engines with relevant information that's relevant to your content. While attempting to optimize metatags for greenhouse SEO, it is best to seek the advice of a professional. You can also hire an HTML code editor if you don't know how to manipulate them.

Besides optimizing your website's content, meta tags also affect your site's clickthrough rates. Ensure your meta tags are optimized to make your content as appealing to your audience as possible. Providing information that searchers seek is essential for organic search success. A properly optimized title tag can draw in more leads. If your title tag is optimized, it can dramatically improve your website's SEO performance. For this, you can use the Screaming Frog tool and SEMrush Audit Tool to help you with this.


Cronofy is a scheduling automation service for Greenhouse. It improves the native scheduling tool for panels and sequenced interviews. Greenhouse's candidate self-scheduling tool works similarly. You can send a scheduling link to a candidate, who will then receive the appropriate slot in the Greenhouse scheduling system. While it can handle single interviews, Cronofy handles complicated interview setups. You can use this scheduling automation service to manage your hiring process.

In addition to scheduling the interview, Greenhouse users can schedule their interviews through its native scheduling tool. Basic scheduling setup is available to all subscription tiers, and splits the process into two steps: creating the schedule and sending the invitations to the interviewers. Advanced subscription holders also have the option of self-scheduling candidates by providing them with a self-scheduling link. Note that this option only works for single interviews.

To get started with scheduling for greenhouse SEO, you will need an active subscription plan and an account with API access. In addition, you must have a live content piece to start scheduling. Finally, you will need an API key from Greenhouse to connect with Outgrow. You can generate an API key by clicking on the Configure or Gear Icon. Once you have completed this step, you will need to configure Outgrow and Harvest to work together.


In addition to reporting in Greenhouse SEO, you can also filter your reports by user permission levels, jobs, and activity date range. By default, the Activity Date is set to the current year. You can adjust any of the filters or click the Apply button to regenerate the report. Then, you can view the report. There are several ways to customize and format reports in Greenhouse SEO. You can also choose to send monthly emails or PDF reports.

Reporting in Greenhouse SEO is available to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. The essential reports enable you to filter data by various parameters and schedule them to be delivered automatically on a regular basis. You can also access these reports from the Greenhouse Recruiting app, though you must have the appropriate permissions and a product subscription to access them. Once you have access to the reports, you can start measuring your hiring team's efficiency.

Greenhouse can be used by both in-house and agency teams. The software allows in-house teams to create a standardized set of candidate requirements and attributes. Then, teams can create and set up an interview process. This ensures a unified process, with reporting, automated screening, and interview scorecards. Moreover, Greenhouse can be customized to fit any business size, including startups and large corporations. The software also promotes scalability throughout the hiring process.


Although Greenhouse SEO offers a range of services, pricing is very variable. There are 3 main plans and one custom solution. You will pay according to the features you need. According to the Siftery report, most companies should spend around $5,000 a year for Greenhouse. This company is a veteran in the industry. It works with larger companies on long-term projects and has a diverse portfolio of services. For more information about pricing, contact the company directly.

Greenhouse charges for recruiting and onboarding tools separately. These tools are comparable to other similar products, though Greenhouse charges a higher price for a smaller team. In addition to that, the company does not list its prices on their website. Those in need of a simple, straightforward solution will likely find BambooHR to be an ideal solution. It's also easy to use, with an intuitive interface that takes you through the hiring process. BambooHR also includes the entire HR system, including payroll and time off management.

If you're in-house, Greenhouse Recruiting is a great solution. It allows you to create automated surveys, receive notifications at each step of the hiring process, and create a referral system. This in-house solution is best for in-house teams, but hiring agencies can also use it. Greenhouse also offers an in-house version of Bullhorn, which has the capacity to handle large volumes of applicants. For agencies, Greenhouse offers tools like applicant tracking, reporting, and interview scorecards.

If you are a large company, Greenhouse is a good option. However, it's not a good option for small businesses. Depending on the size of your company, Greenhouse can cost a lot of money. However, it's best for mid-size and large businesses. The pricing is also quite high for a small business. If you're not planning to hire a large team, it's best to opt for a smaller, more affordable option.