Media and Information Sciences Faculty SEO

Media and Information Sciences Faculty Link Building

SEO Tips For School of Media and Information Sciences Faculty

One of the most important things a Faculty member can do is optimize their web presence. Faculty are knowledge creators, and they are expected to share that expertise through teaching and research. Faculty members should make sure search engines are aware of this expertise and the value they bring to a discipline or school. Faculty should use SEO to attract visitors and build their web presence. Here are some tips that can help them do just that. Let's get started!

Media and Information Sciences Faculty Guest Posting

Hyunjin Seo

Professor Hyunjin Seo, the Oscar Stauffer Chair in Journalism and Associate Dean for Research, teaches courses on strategic campaigns, digital media, and research methods. She has also been named a Docking Faculty Scholar by the University of Kansas. The Docking Faculty Scholar award recognizes early achievements in teaching and research. In January 2014, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication named Seo an Emerging Scholar. Seo's research focuses on how social media use can impact public policy and political culture.

Seo has extensive professional experience in international journalism and strategic communication, and has been a foreign affairs correspondent for several international news organizations. She has covered major international events, including the presidential Blue House and the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear issue. She also served as a consultant for Korea-based and U.S.-based nongovernmental organizations. For more information, visit Hyunjin Seo's LinkedIn page.

JooYoung Seo

JooYoung Seo will join the School of Information Sciences faculty in August 2021. A PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania, he is a certified RStudio instructor and a data science enthusiast. Seo's research interests include accessible computing, inclusive data science, and equitable healthcare technologies. He is a native of South Korea and is fluent in Korean and English.

Media and Information Sciences Faculty PBN Private Blog Network Backlinks

Seo's extensive professional experience spans journalism and strategic communication. She has worked as a foreign affairs correspondent for a major international news outlet, where she reported on global events such as the six-party nuclear talks in North Korea and the gathering of world leaders. In addition, she has consulted for U.S. and Korea-based nonprofits. Her dissertation was selected as the winner of the all-university Doctor Prize.

While a medical student at SNU, Ye-seo is haunted by guilt and shame over the death of his patient Hye-na. He considers quitting the medical school, but is forced to deal with the scandal of leaking exam papers. This scandal could cost him his medical school admission. He decides to come clean, and apologizes to her parents. However, when he meets Laura Jung, he realizes that his father is conspiring with Seo-jin and the two of them have a secret.