October PBN Backlinks Features!

Updated October 2018; Rolled out 20% Websites:

  • AMP Validated

  • Optimized for Speed

  • Google My Business Leveraged

What is AMP?

AMP is the new mobile (and PC really) standard put out by Google. Search engines have moved to a mobile first-indexing strategy because the web has become faster and more mobile. Over 1 million websites use AMP including giant brand names such as CNBC, ESPN and NY Times.

Optimized For Speed

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool shows us Google values speed. Google Press Release revealed big shift to AMP/Speed in July 2018. It helps index rate of websites, crawl rate, and the overall trust/authority of a website. Faster websites are given priority over slower websites.

$Thousands of Dollars in Paid Plugins Installed (not free, unlimited developers licenses) Including but not limited to:
+WP Rocket (Database and Cache Optimization)
+Imagify (Image Optimization)
+Ithemes Security Pro (Prevent Hackers or Malicious BOT Users)

Google My Business

The Hub of all online marketing now for local and National businesses is Google My Business. We have partnered with hundreds of small business owners to syndicate posts for each blog post created within PBN Backlinks.

Our Strategy

As a PBN provider our goal is to always move away from a traditional, weak churn and burn private blog business model (aren't they a dime a dozen?). With hundreds of active members our blogs are over 4 years old now, and some websites registered as long ago as 21 years ago. We are investing heavily in the network to ensure it's fast, secure, updated and AMP validated. In short, only big major websites are as fast on average as ours and synced with social profiles plus posted on verified Google My Business accounts. Our members have access to clean domains, setup properly and well maintained to help them achieve higher rankings, quicker for less time and money.

What's Coming Soon?

Blog Comments: Ability to drip feed comments which keeps content fresh while adding hyper relevancy based on keywords and dashboard information.

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