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The Importance of Keyword Research for Realtor SEO

When you are doing Realtor SEO, it is important to understand the search intent of your audience. The search intent of head keywords is only 18% of the total searches. Most of the people searching for real estate are not looking to buy a property, but rather, they are searching for definitions, Wikipedia articles, and news about real estate. In contrast, 70% of all Google searches are for long tail keywords, such as "buy 3 bed home in Minnesota" or "buy a lake house for summer rental in the Poconos."

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Keyword research

Keyword research for Realtor SEO is critical for the success of your real estate marketing campaign. It entails identifying a set of keywords that will generate substantial website traffic. It is like the modern equivalent of market research, and should be the first step in any serious digital marketing initiative. Keyword research is crucial for social media, pay-per-click campaigns, and content marketing efforts. Let's go over some of the benefits of keyword research for Realtor SEO.

One of the most important things to remember when keyword research for Realtor SEO is to target the right niche. A generic foundation keyword will generate a few hits a month, but that's not enough to make a profit. You should be targeting more specific keywords that have a much lower monthly search volume. Generally, a foundation keyword will receive between 70 to 80 hits per month, which is a good number to aim for. Broader keyword strings will be too competitive for organic SEO, and will be expensive in pay-per-click. Once you've done this, you can start targeting those other niches. Keyword research templates can be found on Google Sheets, and you can structure them into ongoing campaigns.

When performing keyword research, you should take into account competitors' rankings and what their keywords are. You should be targeting keywords that your competitors are already using, and choosing the right ones will ensure you'll get more traffic. Tools such as Semrush can be extremely useful in this process. Remember to create content on your real estate website that is helpful, informative, and original. A well-written article will help you attract more visitors and sell more properties.

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Besides general keywords, realtors can also target long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are those that solve specific real estate questions or need. These are easier to rank for, and they have lower competition. Hence, they will generate more quality leads. You can create your website content around these long-tail keywords. A well-written article is a valuable tool for Realtors to increase website traffic and rank higher. When done correctly, Keyword research for Realtor SEO will drive more sales.

While researching keywords for Realtor SEO, you should also consider your target audience. Generic keywords tend to be less effective if you're targeting a general audience. Moreover, generic keywords don't help in SEO without AdWords. In addition to the cost of AdWords, keyword research for Realtor SEO is not a guarantee for consistent rankings. Therefore, do your research before investing in your website. It's crucial for your success.

While the most general keywords have higher search volume, they don't usually lead to higher conversion rates. Local keywords, on the other hand, have higher conversion rates but require more advanced knowledge on the part of the user. However, users using hyperlocal keywords tend to be more specific in their search, meaning they have the highest intent. In addition, localized keywords are better than generic ones for increasing website traffic. Once you've found the right keywords, you can begin optimizing your website.

Schema local markup

The implementation of Schema local markup for Realtor SEO is a very simple process that can boost your real estate website's organic search engine rankings. This new format does not require any special markup knowledge or technical skills to set up. There are many different markup formats available, each with pros and cons. JSON-LD is the most widely used markup format and is strongly recommended by Google. Microdata is a less common format, but it is also quite complex to implement.

If you're an agent, you probably want to be seen in the first search results for your local market. Using schema markup for Realtor SEO is not just about making your website look more appealing to users. It's also important to create specific meta descriptions and video content. It's also a great way to track how your website performs when users search for a real estate agent. Finally, make sure your site is fully mobile-friendly so it shows up high on local search results.

When you're working on your website's local SEO, you should implement schema local markup on all of your listings. This will tell search engines what they're looking at, and what to display in their results. In addition, your website must have an XML sitemap for search engines to index your content. By using schema local markup for Realtor SEO, you'll have a leg up on your competitors, who may be too lazy to make the necessary changes.

If you're a local business, you should be aware that there are hundreds of different markups for different types of information. For local businesses, you should focus on the Local Business markup, which is useful for displaying important business information on SERPs. Then you can use informational markups on your listing pages. These are also extremely beneficial for improving your local SEO. In addition to improving your local SEO, schema markup will boost your website's visibility and ranking in local search results.

Real estate markups help search engines understand your website's content better. It makes it easier for bots to understand your site's content and improve its visibility in local search results. Aside from improving your website's search engine rankings, schema markup also increases the click-through rate of your listings. Your CTR will rise by 20-25% when your listings contain schema markup. You'll notice an immediate boost to your business' visibility.

On-site SEO

An in-house marketing department is often understaffed when it comes to on-site SEO. Internal teams tend to get tired of dealing with the same issues and the same strategies over time. Hiring an SEO agency will save you time, money, and effort as it can produce a more comprehensive approach. Additionally, an SEO agency will have more resources than an in-house group and be more likely to have the resources to implement more comprehensive strategies.

On-site Realtor SEO is the optimization of the website's content in order to help Google understand its relevance. This includes content such as titles, meta descriptions, and keywords. One of the most overlooked aspects of SEO is keyword research. Choosing the right keywords is essential for understanding what potential consumers are looking for. By selecting keywords that describe your business, you will help Google identify what type of content your website has. Ultimately, this will help your website rank well in search results.

Aside from on-site SEO, your real estate website should also be optimized off-site. Create a backlink strategy by building high-authority articles and creating guest blogs. By using relevant keywords, you can convert web visitors into clients. This will help you save time cold-calling potential clients. You will also be able to focus more on your client testimonials if you use an effective real estate SEO strategy. By following these tips, you can effectively optimize your real estate website.

Another important real estate SEO strategy is optimizing images for Google. Not only will these images improve your website's visibility in Google Image Search, but they'll also help you rank high for relevant real estate keywords. Remember not to include too many keywords in the file name. Once you have optimized your images for Google, you're already on the road to real estate success. Don't forget to post relevant content regularly and use social media to share it with other real estate professionals. It will help you build relationships with other professionals and help you gain exposure.

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of SEO for realtors. You need to determine which keywords will drive traffic and leads. Use keyword research tools or Google Analytics to find the keywords that generate the most traffic. The more specific the keywords, the easier it will be for you to rank high for them on Google. Throughout the website, use keywords in titles, content, and text. If you're not sure how to do this, you can hire an SEO expert to help you out.